ECHO CORRESPONDENCE presents Chuquimamani Condori and EMBACI's: 

Chuqi Chinchay 

Echo Correspondence presents a newly commissioned work titled “Star of Origin / Chuqi Chinchay” by artist Chuquimamani Condori in collaboration with EMBACI.

The title of the work refers to the medicine-star Chuqi Chinchay, who the great Aymara chronicler Juan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua referred to as a ‘very speckled animal, of all colors, whose care is given to hermaphrodites, Indianas of two natures’.

This felid, today also known as titi or chachapuma, is associated with genus leopardus and the pampas cat complex, whose iconic avian, hominoid, and amphibian transformations (among others) mark the Andean record.

Of course, Chuqi Chinchay’s medicine is called for transition/revolution, and abundance in dormancy or potential en- ergy, related to q’iwa/q’iwsa (or queer medicine) in music and ceremony.

Santa Cruz Pachacuti draws
Chuqi Chinchay, labelling the form with both of its names, including the title qowa (caua), vinculating the felid with the spring or well, bound to mamaco- cha, the water. 

The spring as cut or split speaks of an irreducible negativity that appears as two, the two staffs held by the divine from what anthropologists call the señor de los báculos as well as the split tear mo- tif on the felid, and described as three, through the felid’s iconic transforma- tions, notably what archaeology refers to as the disembodied feline head, which in one of its abstracted forms, becomes the three caves or origin, a tripartite element that emerges on the face of the divine as window-door-tocapus-tears, tears that also show up in the form of winged felids.

The physical work is accompanied by an ephemeral sound piece and live performance by the renowned artist and vocalist Embaci, who creat- ed this intervention solely for this show and sings its anthem into existence.